How not to play Destiny 2

Are you a gamer who always seems to be stuck at the bottom of the leaderboards in Destiny 2? Are you tired of being a liability to your fireteam and constantly dying in the Crucible? If so, you might be making some common mistakes that are preventing you from reaching your full potential in the game. Here are a few tips on how „NOT“ to play Destiny 2:

  1. Don’t bother with aiming: Sure, aiming is important in most first-person shooters, but in Destiny 2 it’s completely unnecessary. Just blindly fire your weapons in the general direction of your enemies and hope for the best. Bonus points if you manage to get a kill by sheer luck.
  2. Ignore your teammates: Destiny 2 is all about teamwork, right? Wrong! The best way to play is to completely disregard your teammates and do your own thing. Who needs to coordinate strategies or support each other when you can just go lone wolf and hope for the best?
  3. Don’t use cover: Cover is for cowards. If you really want to impress your opponents, just run out into the open and make yourself an easy target. Bonus points if you manage to get shot while standing in the middle of a large, open area.
  4. Don’t use your abilities: Why waste your time using your special abilities? Just stick to your basic weapons and hope for the best. After all, you don’t want to risk using up your abilities and leaving yourself vulnerable.
  5. Don’t try to learn from your mistakes: If you’re not getting the results you want in Destiny 2, it’s not because you’re doing something wrong. It’s because the game is rigged against you. Just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again and hope for a different outcome.

By following these simple tips, you’ll be sure to become a liability to your fireteam and a constant source of frustration for your opponents. Happy gaming!


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